Getting Started

Sign up for our waitlist

We are granting early access to our product including metrics, reports and insight functionality. You can find the link to sign up here.

By opting into the Beta program, you agree to an initial feedback meeting and biweekly conversations with our founders. These conversations will guide our initial feature releases and roadmap to help us make the most valuable product for you.

Connect a data source connects to a most of the modern data sources, including data warehouses, lakes and streaming databases. The data sources will be queried for the metrics you set up in the application and run according to the refresh cadence you specify. Follow the links from the images below to get more detailed documentation on how to setup the connection.

Input your metric definitions

If you have already set up a metrics definitions in dbt, Transform, Cube, or another metric store, you can connect that as the source and instantly import all your definitions in a few clicks. If you haven't set up official metric definitions yet, offers a great metrics builder that will help guide you to defining the metrics that will power your business. There are a lot of blog posts available to help you think about what metrics will matter most to your company. For more details on metrics importing, click on the metrics store you have below:

To create metrics in, you can use the metrics builder:

Adjust the insight settings

Your metrics will be monitored for key insights such as changes in outliers, trends, projections and more!

When values are outside of the normal bounds for a metric they are labelled outliers
Linear trends found in different sections of time with shifts labelled as change points
Historical values are used to project future values, including the impacts of seasonality

Add a Slack channel webhook

Add a webhook to receive your report and insights messages in Slack. More information is available in our documentation.

Example Slack Report

Your Setup is Complete!

If you encounter any issues, please reach out to us.

we're in Private beta

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We're looking for Beta users to provide us feedback

Get Started

Metrics Monitoring

Automated Insights

Business Observability